Scholarships are based on academic achievement. Bursaries are based on financial need.
Each University offers guaranteed scholarships based on averages. Please check the eINFO guide for specific university scholarship information. Many Colleges offer scholarships. Please check the specific College web site for scholarship information.
Please review the following web sites for Scholarship and Bursary Information.
Each University and College has information on Scholarships and Bursaries for their own institutions on their web sites.
N.B. Applications and deadlines vary from school to school.
EXCELLENT COMPREHENSIVE LIST of many scholarships found here
This is a variety of other sites with scholarship or financial aid information:
Brock University Student Award and Financial Aid
Can Learn
Niagara College Financial Aid and Scholarships
Ontario Student Assistant Program (OSAP)
Ontario School Counsellors Association : Scholarships and Financial Aid / Information
Scholar Tree
University Scholarships(